Fans play a major role in regulating the temperature of a room, offering a cooling effect and increasing ventilation. However with all the various options available these days, finding the right fan for your needs can sometimes be a daunting task. This doesn’t have to be the case though, here you will find 3 fans that are most popular and the areas they are most suited for to help you make the right choice.
Wall, pedestal and ceiling fans are inexpensive, eco-friendly and they are available in various styles and colours. This makes them very popular among the masses and due to their structure and way of operation, they provide cooler air throughout a room.
The Wall Fan – Wall fans have blades which circulate the air present in the room at a high speed to create a cooling effect. This can help a great deal in keeping you cool during steep summers and also put lesser pressure on your air conditioning systems. Wall fans are perfect for churches, schools, factories, halls or any large room.
The Pedestal Fan – If you’re looking to cool down smaller areas or personal spaces then the pedestal fan is the perfect choice. These areas can feel stuffy and suffocating but by adding a pedestal fan you can transform it into an airy environment. Although small in size, pedestals fans are highly effective. Solent’s now offers pedestal fans with unique eco-friendly green blades, housed by either a black or white grill. These not only look stylish and trendy, they’re practical too!
The Ceiling Fan – Ceiling fans come in a variety of sizes, styles and finishes to compliment any style. Using ceiling fans throughout the home greatly reduces energy costs and it adds to a home’s character. If you’re the kind that loves options, then Solent is the way to go. Their fans are fully customizable, available with remote controls and you can add a light kit to it. Solent ceiling fans are more than just functional; they can serve as a statement piece or focal point of a room.
Whether you’re looking for a ceiling fan for your home, a wall fan for your warehouse or a pedestal fan for your office or study, you can be certain that you will find just the right fan for your needs at Solent.