Ceiling fans are the underdog of the cooling solutions world, as they are seen as traditional and less modern than their power-hungry successors. What many people forget, though, is that ceiling fans are the perfect budget-friendly, eco-friendly cooling solutions for indoor, outdoor, domestic, commercial and even industrial buildings!
There are many facts and figures around ceiling fans that you might need to know, so to help you, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions about ceiling fans.
Q: Which Direction Settings Should I Use?
A: Set your ceiling fan to counter-clockwise during the Summer to ensure that the cool air is pushed down into the room, and the wind chill effect reduces the room’s temperature by about 8 degrees Celsius. During the Winter, set your ceiling fans to clockwise, thus allowing them to push warm arm back down into the room and make the room feel warmer.
Q: Why is My Fan Making a Clicking Noise?
A: It is highly likely that clicking noises from your ceiling fan are due to a loose screw or nut jiggling around. Check the fans pole mounts, mounting brackets and junction box to determine if any screws or nuts need tightening. Consider calling Solent to take a look for you.
Q: How Do I Choose the Right Ceiling Fan?
A: First things first, head to the Solent Online website to see our selection of ceiling fans that can be tailored to suit your design requirements. You can choose from six categories of fans, as well as their corresponding accessories. Once you have chosen a fan, you then pick out the components that make up your ceiling fan, and add to cart. Once in the cart, your total will be displayed for you to compare to your other Solent favourites.
Q: My Ceiling Fan Is Humming but the Blades Aren’t Spinning
A: It is most likely that the capacitator of your ceiling fan is faulty. The humming noise indicates that electricity is still flowing to the machine, but the mechanism itself is failing to operate. Call in a certified technician to take a look without voiding the warranty on your fan.
Q: How Does Blade Pitch Affect Ceiling Fan Performance?
A: Blade pitch refers to the angle at which the fan blade is positioning in relation to the blade holder. A lesser pitch results in easier spinning of the blades, although less air is moved. A greater pitch results in more laborious spinning of the blades, although more air is moved. Similarly, a greater pitch requires a more powerful motor.
Q: How Low Should Ceiling Fans Hang?
A: We recommend that a ceiling fan not hang lower than seven feet from the floor to ensure safety.
Q: How Do Ceiling Fans Save Energy Costs?
A: A ceiling fan can save you a significant amount of money per year on electricity costs, due to the fact that it uses the same amount of electricity as a lightbulb. Air conditioners are far more power hungry and therefore costly to run. Ceiling fans also offer heating capabilities by running them in clockwise, making the room feel several degrees warmer.
Q: Can My Ceiling Fan Be Used Outdoors?
A: Solent ceiling fans can be used on verandas or patios, but must be completely undercover. Our fans are not waterproof, so exposure to water spray or rain will cause them to rust and damage sooner.
Q: How Easy Are Ceiling Fans to Install?
A: Although ceiling fans are not the most difficult to install, we highly recommend that you have your ceiling fans installed by a certified technician or electrician. If an uncertified individual installs your Solent ceiling fan, the warranty on the fan is null and void.
Contact us to discuss your cooling solution requirements and how we can help you stay comfortable in your home.