Summer is finally here, and you have probably had to put on the air conditioning a few times already. For some of us, that’s the beginning of a series of very big and scary electric bills.
While a typical air conditioning unit uses 3,500 watts of energy when running, the average ceiling fan uses only 60 – 80 watts — even when running on high. That means if you run your ceiling fan instead of your AC, all day long, you will still cut down on your electricity bill and you could feasibly save a lot of money over time.
Easy as 1, 2, 3
Did you can save even more energy and money, if you do some careful planning when it comes to using your ceiling fan? Here are some tactics you can try to decrease your energy usage and increase your savings.
Ceiling Fan Hack #1: Adjust the direction of the ceiling fan so the air blows down in summer (usually counter-clockwise).
There’s an easy way to determine the direction your fan should rotate in summer: Stand beneath the fan and turn it on. If you immediately feel a breeze from the fan, then it’s set on the “summer” setting, usually counter-clockwise.
Otherwise, turn off the fan, climb up near the base of the fan, and look for a little button or switch that sets the fan to run in the opposite direction.
During the summer, you should have your ceiling fans running on high with the air blowing down directly below the fan. This creates the most air movement in the centre of the room, which is where you need it most for the “breeze” effect, which will feel cool on your skin.
Ceiling Fan Hack #2: Run the fan on low in the other direction (usually clockwise) in the winter.
Blades running in a clockwise direction will pull air up in the centre of the room and push it down again near the edges. This forces warm air and cool air to mix in the room, keeping the room at a steadier temperature (not allowing heat to build up at the top and coolness to settle on the floor). You’ll feel this effect if you stand near the wall in a room – a gentle, warm breeze will blow over you.
Ceiling Fan Hack #3: Make sure to turn your ceiling fans off when you leave home. Doing so can lead to big savings, however, which is why this step is important. If you’re worried you’ll forget, include turning off the ceiling fans in your daily ritual as you leave for work. Turn off the lights, lock the doors, and turn off your ceiling fans.