It’s springtime again—time to refresh and give the house a thorough cleaning. As you remove the clutter, scrub the floors, and polish everything in sight, you might want to clean your ceiling fan as well. At the very least, take a little extra time this spring to give your ceiling fan a complete cleaning.

Cleaning a Ceiling Fan

It doesn’t take very long to clean a ceiling fan, and it can create a healthier environment in the process. Prevent dirt, dust, and grime piling up and damaging your fan by following these simple steps:

  1. Prepare the area for cleaning. Turn the ceiling fan to the “off’ position. Place old newspaper under the ceiling fan area and over any furniture that could be hit by falling dust. Use a sturdy ladder or step stool. Carefully climb to a step that puts you at or above eye level with the fan.
  2. A feather duster is perfect for removing dust on all areas of the fan. Use the extension hose of your vacuum to clean the ceiling fan’s motor, and a damp cloth to remove excess dirt.
  3. Slip a pillowcase over each blade and use both hands to slide it across the blade and pull it off. Then follow-up with a damp cloth to wipe down the blades. Be careful not to bend the blades as this can affect the performance of your fan.
  4. You may have to use an all-purpose cleaner to remove built up dirt and grime on the blades. Be careful not to spray cleaner on or near the motor when cleaning a ceiling fan.

Regular cleanings will be faster and easier now that you’ve done a deep cleaning of your ceiling fan. Your fan will operate at its peak performance and will last longer when you keep it clean and properly maintained.