There’s a lot more that goes into finding the correct ceiling fan, than just choosing the right colour and style. There are a few important things to remember when you purchase your ceiling fan, to ensure that you get maximum efficiency and air cooling from it.

  1. Decide which rooms require a ceiling fan. Most fans are mounted in the center of the room, allowing for smooth air flow, however you might want to put up 2 fans in larger rooms for optimal air flow.
  2. Various room factors need to be taken into consideration like, room size, ceiling height and distance of the ceiling from the roof.
  3. If the ceiling fan takes a light, make sure that the circuit is able to handle both the fan and light.
  4. Always get advice from a qualified electrician.
  5. Cheap fans is not a wise choice, always choose a good quality fan. Cheap fans have the tendency to wobble, and will not circulate as much air as desired.
  6. Solent fans boast motors that have more power and that means better output and better quality.  They also carry a 2 year warranty.
  7. Buying a cheap fans will literally mean wasting your money as cheap fans eventually make a humming noise which can be quite annoying when you are trying to relax.

A good-quality fan does not have to mean breaking the bank, Solent ceiling fans, which can be found at most electrical shops are of decent quality at a reasonable price.