Fan Blade Sets
Fans can have from three, four or five blades. The number of blades is purely for aesthetics and does not affect the air movement much but it does affect the cost. The number of blades you decide on is entirely dependent on your preference or décor style and what will suit your room.
Fan Blade Sweeps
The blade sweep of a fan is generally the circular area that is covered by the fan’s blades whilst in rotation. The diameter of a fan’s blade sweep is measured by taking the distance from the edge of one blade to the edge of the opposite blade. Blades come in several sweeps respectively 900mm, 1200mm, 1400mm, 1500mm, 1800mm & 2000mm.
Fan Blade Finishes
Both aluminium and wooden blades are designed for optimal air delivery, however the different blade materials affect the amount of air delivered. Aluminium blades are aerodynamically shaped, ensuring that they cut through air much more effectively and faster. Wooden blades are heavier which results in more drag on the motor, causing the blades to spin at a slower speed.